About me

Thank you for taking the time to read all about me! Since 2019 I have been a student at Avans University of Applied Sciences and learning more every day. I try and spend as much of my free time programming all kinds of different things. If you want to see what I have made so far, consider checking out all of my projects.


Over the last few years, I have learned quite a lot of different programming languages and frameworks.



  • PHP
  • Angular
  • C#
  • Java
  • CSS Frameworks

Additional Frameworks

  • Laravel
  • Livewire

CSS Frameworks

  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap



BattleHill Website

BattleHill is a game hosting service created by me. Currently, the website is outdated and everything still works manually. However, there is a newer version in development. Progress is being made, but it's a big project.


BattleHill Panel

BattleHill panel is the control panel of the game servers it uses Pterodactyl and is run on a private server



Towerbattle is a Unity game made for a school project. It's my very first Unity game and was complete in about a week.


Grillroom Rahab

Grillroom Rahab is another school project that was made for the course Interactive design. It showcases a low-medium fidelity design.

The course didn't intend for the prototype to be a website. The suggestion was a design in Adobe XD. But as a challenge/joke I decided to just make a website instead of an Adobe design.
